Wednesday 16 February 2011

*** Tagged!! ***

Hey All,
I got tagged in a questions post by Sam ( As its a great way to get to know people and questions you wouldn't always ask I though i'd fill it in.

Here are the questions:

What did you want to be when growing up?

When I was little I always wanted to be a teacher, I used to get my Mum to make me some pretend class registers and line all my dolls up. For my birthday when I was 10 my Dad made me a massive white board and on the other side it was a black board that I lent against the wall, it was taller than me at the time. I thought it was the most amazing thing ever! I also got a classroom kit out of the Argos Catologue. It had school themed posters and some of those "Well Done" and "Super Star" stickers in. I only ever gave those to my favourite dolls though hehe!

What do you most like about where you live?

As I live in the city centre, i'm pretty close to lots of shops and Leeds is great for shopping. Theres lots of nice towns that are easy to get to from Leeds. Sometimes on my day off I will get a day rider and pop to a few places, mainly for the charity shops and little knic-knac stores that Leeds doesn't seem to have. Morley / Crossgates / Wakefield are a few of my favourites!

If you could only rescue three things from your house, what would they be?

* My memory box, its full of little things that remind me of great times such as cinema tickets, gig tickets, cards, badges... strange little trinkets that special friends have given me :)
* My sewing machine. Im not using it as much as i'd love to at the moment but would be totally gutted to not have it.
* My Laptop as it has all my pictures/ documents/ clothes designs on.

What is your favorite book?

I adore the Belle De Jour collection! Very sexy, cheeky and packed of fun tales!

What is your favorite room of your house?

As my apartment is a studio it is pretty much 1 room, and a small one at that hehe. I have a pretty ace bedroom area which is fill with clothes and shoes and a little area for my craft and sewing things. I love laying in bed and looking out my window in a morning, specially in summer. I have a great view of the city centre too!

What is your favorite joke?

Im terribly bad with jokes, usually find the lame Christmas cracker or jokes on the back of snack food the funniest!

What would you most like to change about your house?

I'd love more storage space. I'm making the most of what I have, lots of storage boxes of clothes under my bed & shoe racks in my hallway. A walk in wardrobe is definately on my "Must Have!" list.

Do you believe in love at first sight?

I don't really believe in love at first sight, think its more of a 'spark' or 'feeling' at first meet. I know theres a spark when I wake up the next day and can't stop smiling and giggling to myself :)

As I don't have many followers yet I won't tag people but feel free to tag yourself, or if you have already filled this in link me to it :) I'd love to know more!

Kerry X

1 comment:

  1. Great Post!:)

    I awarded you a Versatile Blogger Award over on my blog, as i adore yours xx
